
Pet shop registration

Petcover pet shop charter

As one of our pet shop partners, you are able to offer 4 weeks free introductory insurance cover to your customers for their purchased puppies, kittens, small mammals, birds, reptiles and turtles. This provides cover for veterinary fees associated with unexpected illness and injuries. In accordance with our Terms & Conditions, your Referrer Agreement and our Pet Shop Charter, which outlines our expectations of the pet shops issuing our  weeks free introductory insurance cover.

About the puppy/kitten

All animals have been examined by a veterinarian prior to being offer for sale and the following confirmed:

  1. Are in good health and have not to your knowledge been exposed to any infectious or contagious diseases.
  2. Have been vaccinated as per standard veterinary recommendations.
  3. Have received the recommended preventative treatments for worms and other parasites.
  4. Have been checked for signs of any infestation by fleas, lice, mites or intestinal worms.
  5. Have been checked for the presence of clinical signs or symptoms of a congenital or hereditary condition or deformity.
  6. The following dog breeds (including cross breeds) must have been examined by a veterinarian within 7 days of the date of sale to qualify for the introductory insurance cover:
  • Bulldogs (All varieties)
  • Dogue De Bordeaux (French Mastiff)
  • Shar Pei
  • Pug
  • Newfoundland
  • Leonberger
  • Greyhound
  • Boston Terrier

Before the sale

  1. You have advised the new owners of the breed characteristics and needs such as grooming, exercise, diet, housing and training to ensure that the prospective owner is aware of the commitment they are undertaking.
  2. Discuss any defects or any other matters a person of reasonable experience would consider relevant to the new owner’s decision to purchase the animal in accordance with the responsible sale of domestic pets.
  3. Provided details of any veterinary attention the puppy, kitten, bird, reptile or turtle has had and if requested provide details of your vet so the new owners can ask questions.
  4. Provide details of vaccination, worming, flea and any other preventative health treatment given to the puppy, kitten, bird, reptile or turtle.
  5. Where applicable supply the new owner with registration and pedigree certificates and information regarding health screening of the puppy, kitten, bird, reptile or turtle or its parents if they have been screened clear of a particular disease/anomaly.
  6. Recommend suitable training and/or breed clubs.
  7. Provide a contract of sale.

When setting up an introductory policy

  1. Provide details of any veterinary attention provided including any veterinary attention that you are aware was provided to the puppy, kitten, bird, reptile or turtle prior to sale, and
  2. Provide any other information that may be relevant.

By offering Petcover introductory cover to your customers you agree

  1. To follow the guidelines as set out in this charter.
  2. To abide by the Petcover Pet Shop Program Terms & Conditions at all times.
  3. To abide by the terms of your Referrers Agreement.

Pet shop registration

Please fill out the form and we will be in touch.

Telephone: 01444 708840