image of a brown burmese cat close up as it stares at something
Latest pet news - Page 4
image of a persian cat walking through the grass
Why do cats wag their tail?
They can portray a range of emotions and feelings through a simple wag of the tail
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How to stop your cat from climbing on everything
Cats are curious creatures and seem to go everywhere we don’t want them to be
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The ragdoll: the ideal lap-cat
The docile Ragdoll earned its name for its tendency to go limp
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The british shorthair: a charming and easygoing companion
The British Shorthair is one of the original pure breed cats
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Health problems in flat faced cats
The rising popularity of flat-faced cat breeds has led to the continuous breeding of these feline friends
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What you need to know if buying a persian cat
There are many aspects that potential cat owners need to consider
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