
Make an insurance claim

Going to the vet can be stressful, so we’ve made making a claim easy. We are here to help you along the way.

Making a claim

To make a claim, please click to view the relevant interactive claim form below. Simply type in all the information and save it to your computer. 

Attach the itemised invoices, vet consultation notes as well as other relevant supporting documentation. You can take a photo with your mobile or scan your supporting documents. If it is your first claim with Petcover, we ask you to supply a full veterinary history and attach it to your claim. 

Email your completed claim form and supporting documents to 

If required, you can post your claim to:

Petcover Pet Insurance
PO Box 112250
Auckland 1642 

Please note that posted claims will take longer to reach us. 
If you post your claim, we recommend you keep a copy of the claim form and invoices.

Processing your claim 

Once you have submitted your claim, we will  contact you about the outcome of your claim. 

How your claim will be paid 

If you have elected to pay your premium by direct debit, your benefits will be paid directly into your nominated bank account. 

If you pay your policy other than by direct debit, please add your bank account details in the payment options section on the claim form. 

If you want us to pay your vet, please nominate this in the ‘payment options’ section. Please note that this option is only available if all parties involved consent to it. 

image of a jack russell sitting on its owners lap whist they do work

Pet insurance claim checklist

To help us process your claim quickly, make sure you have completed these steps: 

  • Ensure the form is fully completed before submitting your claim. 
  • The itemised invoice(s) and treatment notes from the veterinary practice or therapist are attached. 
  • If this is your first claim, your last claim was more than 12 months ago, please provide the full clinical history from both current and previous veterinary practices. 
  • Cross check with your Certificate of Insurance to make sure you are not claiming for items that are not claimable with your policy. These include, but not limited to: routine and preventative care (teeth cleaning, worming, desexing and vaccinations) and any illness that occurred within your waiting period and/or were pre-existing conditions. 
  • Know your policies excess amount before submitting the claim. 
  • Copies of all you claim documentation should be kept for your records.
image of a jack russel standing on a desk whilst its owner pats him whilst on the phone

Receive your claim

Once your claim is processed, you will receive an email to notify you of the outcome. When your claim is approved, Petcover will pay in one of the following ways: 

  1. Credited into your bank account that your monthly premium is direct debited from. 
  2. Credited into the bank account that is nominated on the claims form at time of submission. 
  3. Cheque sent to you via mail.
  4. Paid direct to your vet. Please understand, this option, is only available by prior arrangement with your vet, and they agreed for us to do so. 

Behavioural Claims

Petcover works alongside its insurance partners to be one of the only pet insurance providers that will cover behavioural treatment costs, following veterinary diagnosis. Cover is included, subject to waiting periods and exclusions as part of our Superior Products. With the Mid-Range products, it is available only if the $50 Optional Day to Day Care Benefit was added to your policy at the time of application.

If it is the first claim for either the policy, or for the condition you need to send us your pet’s clinical history as well as the treatment plan or behaviour modification plan specified by your vet.

If the claim is an ongoing condition, an updated history and treatment plan / behaviour modification plan may need to be provided, every 6 months.

Dog Bite Inury

For an injury where your dog has been bitten by another dog, the claiming process is similar to regular claims in that we need the itemised invoice and the treatment history, but instead of the standard claim form, a dog bite claim form is required to be completed and submitted.

This dog bite claim form provides us with additional details surrounding the bite injury that is usually not captured by the treating veterinarian in the clinical history.

Third Party Liability Claims

Third Party Liability Claims are not the same as a regular claim. If you find yourself in a position where your liability may come in to question you should:

  • Not admit liability or make any offer to pay;
  • Exchange details with the other party or parties and obtain names and addresses of any witnesses.
  • Notify us as soon as possible after the event;
  • Send us any and all documentation relating to the event, including any legal documents you may be issued with.

These claims are not assessed by Petcover. They are assessed by your policy underwriter’s disputes and possibly legal department. As a result, these types of claims may take longer that usual to be assessed and finalised. We will keep you up to date with any progress and communicate with you should additional information be required.

Dental Claims

If dental treatment is needed for your pet as a direct result of an accident, illness or injury you may be able to claim for this, so long as your pet has had its annual dental check-ups and any advice provided has been followed.

Cover is not provided for routine, preventative or elective treatments. These treatments are expected and can be budgeted for. Insurance is provided for unexpected injuries and illnesses. Examples of routine, preventative or elective dental include, but are not limited to: Scale & Polish, Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment & Treatment (COHAT), routine check-ups.

Alternative & Complementary Treatment

Physiotherapy is a claimable treatment under some of our plans (refer to your PDS), when carried out by a registered Physiotherapist with post-graduate qualifications in animal/veterinary Physiotherapy or a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) Animal Physiotherapy Group (APG). You cannot receive payment for physiotherapy sessions that have not been completed, in the event of a bulk purchase (ie/ buy 10 sessions at a reduced rate) as this would be considered pre-approval (refer FAQ on pre-approval).  If you have bulk purchased 10 sessions, you can only claim either after each completed session, or at the conclusion when all 10 sessions have been completed.

Hydrotherapy, when used as a complimentary treatment for a musculoskeletal condition, can be claimed under the policy. Up to 10 individual sessions (inclusive of other alternative/complimentary sessions, and subject to the maximum benefit) can be claimed in the policy period. The sessions must be performed either at a veterinary practice with the appropriate facilities, or at a registered hydrotherapy business.

Payment can’t be provided for sessions that have not yet been completed. If sessions have been purchased in bulk, we can only pay for treatments that have already been completed.  (As per above)


Claims can’t be pre-approved, as before the treatment is made, there is no invoice (financial loss) and no supporting treatment notes.

It won’t be know if the claim will be covered and paid before the treatment has been performed and the claim has been submitted. This is because the treatment provided needs to be reviewed and the full history of the pet to determine whether the condition and treatment can be claimable under the policy.

You can get advise if specific medications, tests, or procedures can be considered, and  if something is not covered under your policy, but you won’t be provided with pre-approval for any claim.

Excess & Co-Payment

You should always refer to your Certificate of Insurance to confirm which excess/es or co-payments may apply to your policy.

The fixed excess is the amount, as shown on your certificate of insurance, that is withheld for each unrelated claim within the policy period. This is the threshold that the claim needs to reach before we are able to reimburse you for your claim.

The Share Excess or Co-Payment is a percentage of the payable value of each and every claim, after any applicable fixed excess or deductions, that will be withheld. This is an option you can select to reduce your premium.

The Age Excess is a percentage of the payable value of each and every claim, after any applicable fixed excess, deductions, and share excess/co-payment, that will be withheld by Petcover.

An age excess of 20% is applied when your policy renews once your pet turns 8 years old for standard breeds and 4 years old for select breeds.

An age excess of 35% is applied when your policy renews once your pet turns 10 years old for standard breeds and 7 years old for select breeds.

Pay Direct To Vet

Pay Direct to Vet is offered, whereby you can elect to have your claim paid directly to your vet. You will need to have an agreement in place with your vet before submitting the claim and you will need to pay any applicable excess and not covered items direct to your vet and the balance will be paid. Your vet can even submit your claim on your behalf.


Supplements can provide an additional drug-free treatment option for a number of conditions; however, these products can often be obtained without any required veterinary involvement. Many can be purchased without either a prescription from a veterinarian, or without being directly dispensed by a veterinarian, and many can be purchased online without the pet ever seeing a veterinarian.

Under the policies available, the cost of medications that can only be legally obtained via a veterinary prescription, or by being directly dispensed by a veterinarian will be covered. As supplements do not fulfil these criteria, the cost of these are unable to be covered under the policy.

Get in touch

Petcover will only use the information provided in relation to your request and personal information will only be used for legitimate purposes. For more information, please refer to the privacy policy.

We’re available:
Monday  Friday: 8:30am to 5:00pm 

Sales Team
Monday – Friday: 8.30am – 7.00pm
Saturday: 11:00am to 7:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm to 6:00pm 

Telephone: 0800 255 426


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