ACVN's tips to identifying pain in pets
Learn how to recognise the signs of pain in your pet.
Read more21 February 2019
Although you can take steps such as wiping their face to minimise the amount, there is no way to stop dogs from drooling as it is a part of who they are. In saying this, excessive amounts of drool could be a sign of an underlying problem.
As drooling is a common occurrence with dogs, it is important to keep a close eye on them as copious amounts of drool will need to be acted upon immediately.
Heatstroke: if you notice drool on a rather hot day, this could be directly related to heatstroke. Heatstroke can kill dogs and if not acted upon quickly, the symptoms will only get worse and worse. Take your pet to the vet immediately if you notice they are drooling, lethargic or unresponsive. You can prevent heatstroke by ensuring they always have access to water and shade and allowing them a spot inside if the weather is unbearable.
Foreign objects: check your dog’s mouth for things such as splinters, bones fragments, plants or cloth that may be lodged. If you are able to remove them, do so, otherwise seek medical treatment.
Dental issues: tartar build up is a big cause of excessive drooling in dogs. You can tell if there is tartar build up easily by checking if your dog’s teeth are browning, or if the gums are red/swelling/or bleeding. If you notice any of these, take them to the vet as they will be able to determine what exactly is wrong with your pup’s teeth and any other underlying issues such as cracked teeth, mouth diseases, growths or ulcers.
Anxiety: depending on the scenario, anxiety may be the cause behind your dog’s drooling. This is common in car rides when they are not used to the experience, and will, therefore, breathe heavily and drool when carsick or anxious. To get them more comfortable and to stop drooling excessively, take them on a number of short trips so they feel safe and enjoy travelling in cars.
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