How to keep your pets safe and healthy during autumn

Autumn can be a great time of year, the chunky scarves and thick coats come out, your garden becomes a blaze of reds and yellows, and, of course, there’s the joy of letting your cat or dog leap about in piles of crisp leaves. However it’s vital to keep in mind that, while autumn can be fun, it can also play host to a variety of problems for your pet.

Here are some of the things you need to keep an eye out for:

Just because they have a fur coat doesn’t mean they don’t feel the cold

As the temperature drops, pets can also suffer from the cold particularly elderly pets as they cannot regulate their body temperature as efficiently as younger animals. Therefore you should consider buying dogs a pet jacket for walks. Also provide them with extra bedding, particularly for cats and dogs that suffer from arthritis as the cold can aggravate joints.

Provide some shelter for cats that spend time outside, such as a designated shelter, or cardboard box partially covered with plastic sheeting.

You should be wary when starting your car as cats often like to climb into vehicle engines for warmth. Check under your bonnet and the tyre rims thoroughly or give a knock on the bonnet before you start the engine.

Don’t skip your dog’s walking routine

Because there is less daylight, the temptation is to go for more infrequent walks with your dog. This could lead to your dog putting on weight and the health risks associated with weight gain. Behavioural problems such as hyperactive behaviour and chewing may also occur as a way for your dog to exert energy.

In addition to this, walks at night can be slightly more dangerous if you live near busy roads. It’s worth investing in a reflective jacket for both you and your canine companion.

Acorn poisoning

Acorns from oak trees are also poisonous for your dog. The symptoms can take a whole day to manifest themselves and can consist of retching, vomiting, pain, lethargy and diarrhoea. In extreme cases, the end result is permanent damage to the liver or kidneys, but if caught early this can be avoided. Consult your vet as soon as you suspect that your dog may have ingested an acorn.

Throughout the autumn months and as it gets in to winter, be vigilant around your pet in order to spot them feeling the cold or eating acorns on your walks.