Raising a German Shepherd Puppy: A Guide to a Happy and Healthy Companion
Raising a German Shepherd Puppy: A Guide to a Happy and Healthy Companion
Read more24 December 2019
It takes years of observing and interacting with your horse, experimenting with different techniques and learning from masters in the field to grasp the art of horse whispering. So whether your motivation is to improve your horsemanship, tame a wild and bad-tempered horse or you simply want to share a deeper bond with your equine brood, you will likely benefit from learning about horse whispering. Below we look at the evolution of horse whispering and some basic practical tips to help you on your path to becoming a horse whisperer.
Horse whispering evolved in opposition to the inhumane and abusive training methods used to ‘break in’ a horse. The aim of traditional horse training techniques was to dominate the horse, using aggressive and cruel techniques to force the horse into submission. These techniques included typing up the horse, whipping their backs, blindfolding and other forms of restraint like “bagging down” where the horse was saddled with a wheat sack or saddlecloth that would flap against its body.
Luckily, the evolution of animal rights has facilitated a move away from these outdated and barbaric methods of training. Horse whispering is about building a rapport with horses and instilling discipline and respect through gentle training techniques that are grounded in understanding horse behaviour. They key is to communicate with the horse in a way that strengthens the horse-human bond and encourages natural co-operation.
Although horse whispering has been around since the 1900s, Monty Roberts popularised horse whispering as a natural horsemanship technique in his 1996 book, ‘The Man Who Listens to Horses’. Many others have adopted this approach since.
The foundation of a good horse whisperer is the combination of a calm and confident approach. Horses are emotionally intelligent creatures so by acting with confidence you communicate to your horse that you are a strong and effective leader without having to resort to harsh disciplinarian techniques. So how can you prove to your horse that you have the competence to (literally) take the reigns?
Use gentle pressure with sharp, assertive gestures when giving commands. Never kick the horse or use excessive force. Talk in low, hushed tones and reprimand the horse with a ‘’shhhhh’ noise. You want to exude confidence and also befriend your horse so maintain your cool and use positive reinforcement to reward good behaviour. Horses enjoy a gentle massage of their ears, nose and mouth or you can give them a tasty treat on occasion.
A good horse whisperer recognises that horses are complex animals and has a true desire to understand and respond to their needs. This involves spending time with the horse and paying close attention to their body language, understanding how their senses work and their instinctual behaviours.
Good horsemanship does not neglect the basics. Groundwork is important for establishing boundaries and opening up a line of communication with the horse. Small details like a getting a horse to stand still when the rider mounts takes practise and repetition as does commanding it to march off, canter or do figure eights. Look for apprenticeships or beginner courses that teach horse whispering techniques. Learning from experts who have spent years studying and living with horses is the best way to transmit knowledge and keep the tradition of horse whispering alive!
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