Petcover is excited to announce our new partnership with Equissage Edge.

Petcover is pleased to announce a new partnership with Equissage Edge.

Equissage Therapy is the equine division of Australian Therapeutic Solutions Pty Ltd who also have a human division, Niagara Therapy, which provides Class 11a medical devices that assist people with a range of health conditions.

Equissage Edge, is the evolutionary equine treatment system that gives your horse the edge in competition.

The modern equine athlete requires the latest in techniques and systems to keep them at optimal health and fitness.

As an athlete, your horse needs optimal circulation to achieve peak performance and muscle tone. Circulation improves recovery from exercise or injury, generates oxygenated blood, and reduces swelling and joint discomfort. It can also help prevent the build-up of lactic acid and the accumulation of toxins.

Equissage Edge delivers powerful cycloidal, three-dimensional vibrations to the whole body. Equissage has ensured its product has been scientifically proven to improve local blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, muscle relaxation, and joint mobility. It may also assist in rehabilitation from a multitude of injuries or persistent conditions.

If you would like to give your horse “the Edge” and see how your equine responds to Equissage Therapy or if you would like to know more and book a free consultation, visit their website here.


*The information contained herein on product performance and benefits is for informational purposes only.  For full information on the product please visit the Equissage Edge website.