Protect your pets: Common toxic plants to avoid
How to identify toxic plants and recognise signs of pet poisoning.
Read more2 November 2017
Petcover will take a look at some of the more obvious body language signs and what they could possibly mean…
Pointing forward: focused on something; interested or curious; alerted
One ear cocked back: aware of something behind or beside them; paying attention to the rider
Both ears cocked back: paying attention to the rider or something behind them; curious about something but still listening to what is going on behind
Ears pinned back: angry; scared; warning something or someone to go away
Ears pinned flat to the skull: ready to attack
Ears relaxed to the side: they are fully relaxed; sleepy; in deep concentration
Ears twitching back and forth: nervous; worried; on the verge of panic
Nostrils flared: hard at work and require more oxygen; on alert; curious or meeting someone for the first time; fear; excitement
Nostrils pinched: angry or irritated; telling someone or something to leave them alone!
Muzzle relaxed or droopy: relaxed or half asleep
Muzzle tight: irritated; warning someone or something
Licking lips: submissive; hungry; relaxed and understanding
Nuzzling: affectionate; trying to bond with you or another horse; relaxed
A light nip: teasing or playing; a small warning to let you know they’re busy or not wanting to do it
Biting: saying that they’re the boss and proving their seniority; sending a warning that they may be ready to hurt; afraid
Biting in the air: scared or worried; warning that they might bite you
Eyes half closed: relaxed or half asleep; bright lights; may have hurt their eye
Showing the whites of the eyes: they’re afraid or startled; nervous
Fake kicks: warning you to back off and that they need space
A full on kick: they feel threatened and are telling someone or something to leave; defensive; showing their seniority
Pawing at the ground: nervous; excited; impatient; stomach ache
Tail raised: excited or they’re in heat; something has caught their attention; showing off
Tail swishing violently: irritated or frustrated; sending a warning
Lowered head: relaxed or sleepy; content; or a sign of depression (if very low to the ground)
Raised head: on alert or something has their attention
Head outstretched: wanting to touch something without getting to close; warning that they are going to bite (if ears are pinned back as well)
Swinging the head: back off and go away; warning
All horses are different, however by understanding a few simple body language signs you will be able to communicate with your horse a lot better.
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